The 12 Spays (and Neuters) of Christmas: Verdana and Tahoma!

On the eighth (and ninth!) day of Christmas, Animal Friends gave to Verdana and Tahoma two spay/neuter surgeries! Verdana and Tahoma made their way to Animal Friends through a Humane Investigations case. Their former owners had released these two baby rabbits into the wild to fend for themselves. On that winter night they were rescued, their lives would be forever changed. Not only would these two kits be given a second chance to find a loving, forever home but they’d be given a longer, healthier life because they would be spayed/neutered. Each pet brought into Animal Friends is spayed/neutered before being cleared for adoption. We know spaying/neutering is not only necessary for each pet’s health and well-being but it’s the compassionate, proactive way to combat the pet overpopulation crisis in our region . And, we won't stop with the animals in our care. For more than 20 years, we’ve been committed to ensuring that affordable spay/neuter services are available to every pet owner ...