Animal Friends' Annual Straw Drop: Free Straw for Outdoor Pets and Feral Cats

To prepare for falling temperatures, we're hosting our annual Straw Drop . F ree bags of straw are offered to anyone who owns or cares for outdoor animals – including feral and community cats. While Animal Friends encourages pet owners to make pets part of the family and keep them inside the home, we recognize that this is not always possible . Animal Friends urges those caretakers to obey the law by ensuring that outdoor animals have access to proper food and warm, dry shelters. Blankets, towels and pillows can retain moisture and freeze, which is why straw is the best insulation against the cold and wet weather conditions. In addition to keeping outdoor animals’ living spaces insulated, there are other best practices pet owners should abide by, including: • Using a car mat or rug as a flap over a doghouse door to keep the inside free of wind, snow and rain. • Examining shelters carefully – and often – to ensure that there are no cracks or holes that will prevent the structure fr...