
Why 'Kitten Season' is Much More Serious than It Sounds

At Animal Friends, each spring marks the beginning of what is known by many as ‘kitten season.’ And it’s not as fun as it sounds. Between late spring and early fall, thousands of kittens are born in our region to stray and feral cats that are becoming active after a long winter. From April through August of 2015 alone, Animal Friends brought in 385 kittens. With such an influx in cats in need of immediate help and a limited amount of space, volunteers and resources, kitten season can be a difficult time for any shelter. The sudden spike in the cat population this spring means many residents will likely encounter a litter of kittens in a window well, in a bush or in a garden. When this happens, there are several important things to bear in mind. Do not attempt to pick up or move a litter of kittens. Mother cats can often leave their kittens alone for up to three or four hours while they are out finding food or searching for a new location. If you’ve been watching a group of kittens and

A Message from our President & CEO

Dear Friends, From the steadfast dedication of our staff and volunteers to the unwavering support from caring, generous people (like you!) it’s clear how deep the compassion runs at Animal Friends. And, if we could run on compassion alone, Animal Friends would forever be without want or need. But, this is not the case … and is my reason for writing you today. We have not yet maximized our 50-cents-on-the-dollar, up to $40,000, match for 31 Days of Compassion. We still need to raise approximately $10,000 to take full advantage of the challenge! With that in mind, I am thrilled to announce that we are extending 31 Days of Compassion through Fri., June 10. In doing so, I know every dollar of this generous challenge will be successfully matched. But we can’t do it without you. Please, click here to donate generously today. In appreciation, David J. Swisher President & Chief Executive Officer Animal Friends


Before his first birthday, Rygar had suffered through more hardships than any dog should in a lifetime. Rygar was one of seven puppies that came to Animal Friends after being confiscated by our Humane Investigations team. He, along with four of his littermates, was found to have parvovirus, a potentially life-threatening virus. At such a young age, Rygar was already being forced to fight for his life. Thankfully, Rygar was treated and made a full recovery. He received all of his vaccinations, was neutered and became an Animal Friends’ summer camp puppy where he helped to show the young campers about the importance of responsible pet ownership. Rygar worked with the students to learn manners and basic commands while teaching them about the important relationship people can have with their pets. Educating the next generation about how to treat their pets is a vital part of allowing Animal Friends’ lifesaving mission to continue for years to come. After summer camp, Rygar was quickly adop

Why we do what we do ...

May is 31 Days of Compassion at Animal Friends! To celebrate this very special month honoring our animal friends, we wanted to share a story that shows the passion – and compassion – that drives our staff and volunteers. We knew it couldn’t be told by just anyone. That’s why we’ve asked one of our staff Animal Caregivers, Becki, to take it from here ... "I’ve thought a lot about that day in mid-September  when the medical staff came asking for my help with two animals that had just been brought in. Whether it was a miracle or just another day at Animal Friends, I’m still not quite sure. I’m starting to think they are simply one in the same. They looked like two sheep that hadn’t been sheared in years. At closer look, I realized they were dogs. Layers upon layers of matted, dirty, stinking fur entombed them from the tops of their heads to the tips of their tails. Walking was painful. Turning their heads impossible. To ease them from their obvious discomfort one of our vet techs car

Top 10 Reasons to Attend Bark in the Park 2016

Memorial Day means many different things to us: remembering those who have served our country, spending time with family and friends, attending picnics and celebrating the unofficial beginning of summer! With everything going on this Memorial Day weekend, you may be looking for a good reason to attend Bark in the Park 2016 . Not to worry, we have 10 for you! What better way to start your holiday weekend than a beautiful walk in the park with your furry best friend? 10. Starting Strong – We’ll be kicking off the festivities as Mr. Jeff Jimerson sings the national anthem while members of the North Allegheny Color Guard present our nation’s flag. 9. Jim Krenn – Our lead walker and hometown funny guy Jim Krenn from the Q92 Morning Show will be leading the festivities and is always good for plenty of laughs! 8. Food Trucks – Come hungry and leave the potato salad at home, we’ll be joined by some of Pittsburgh’s best food trucks. 7. Patriotic Pup Parade – You’ll have the opportunity to sh

A Change of Heart

The busy life of a therapy rabbit leads to many places. From visiting preschools, high schools and college campuses to providing comfort at hospitals, whether to a pediatric cancer patient or an elderly veteran suffering with dementia, therapy rabbits provide compassionate support to those who need it most. Our Therapets animals and the dedicated volunteers who work with them are always on the move providing pet therapy sessions wherever they are needed. A recent visit to the Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh in the Hill District left two Therapets volunteers with a heartwarming story and an experience they won’t soon forget. A group of 20-25 children were enjoying the company of three therapy rabbits, reading to them and getting in some quality one-on-one time when three young boys came in and began poking fun at the group, laughing, taunting and name-calling. After being reprimanded the three left the library, but a short time later one of the boys returned. He wasn’t there to tease tho

Sadie's Third Chance

“Something’s wrong. She’s not breathing,” one of the vet techs called to the staff veterinarian. The tiny kitten had been born just a couple months prior at Animal Friends. Her pregnant mother Sonnet, and nearly three dozen other cats, had come to Animal Friends after being rescued from a severe hoarding situation. Sadie had just escaped being born into an unspeakable life in a now-condemned house. But now, Sadie was on the verge of losing the second chance she had just been given. She was nearing the day where she was ready to find a loving home, but first had to be spayed. She was a strong, healthy kitten. And, there was no reason to expect that Sadie would have a life-threatening reaction to anesthesia during a routine procedure. But there she was … not breathing … and her heart had stopped. As quickly as the 2-pound kitten’s breath had stopped, our skilled medical staff jumped into action, performing lifesaving CPR. After a few tense moments, little Sadie was back. Every day, Anim