Animal Friends' 31 Days of Compassion presents Corina

“But ma’am, your kittens …” a voice insisted, “… they’re sick.” After some coaxing, the woman reluctantly handed over four very sick, very young kittens to Animal Friends’ Humane Police Officer. Our officer took one look at the kittens and knew this wouldn’t be our last visit.

The house was in total disarray. Buckets of human and feline waste, disassembled plumbing and walls torn down to the studs. Amazingly dozens of cats and kittens were surviving in the filth and refuse.
We quickly got to work. And, over the course of the next few weeks four dozen cats were taken to Animal Friends.
All of these sweet kitties were in need of immediate medical attention. Each one was suffering from upper respiratory infection (URI).

After she was treated medically she was placed her into a foster home. There, Corina would be provided much-needed around-the-clock care ... and learn what it means to be loved.
Soon enough, this tiny kitten’s personality began to shine.

Unfortunately, this tiny kitty didn’t come away from her past with a clean bill of health. She constantly has the sniffles. With the proper treatment we thought they’d clear up but each time we weaned her off of medication, her symptoms would persist. It was then we realized this tiny gray Tabby will forever cope with chronic URI symptoms.
To some, those sniffles may seem endearing. To us, it’s a reminder of the mistreatment Corina endured. Had she received proper medical care her condition would have been prevented. And now she’ll require an extra special family with the patience and understanding to give her a home. Until they come along,we remain committed to giving little Corina her second chance.
Sadly, our region is full of pets, just like Corina, that still need your help.
But you can ensure the lives of more animals will be saved from abusive and neglectful situations. With your support medical, behavioral and holistic care will be provided to the animals in our care. With your support thousands of pets will be given another chance at a life.
And, right now through May 31 every dollar you give in support of 31 Days of Compassion will be matched 50 cents on the dollar up to $40,000. Click here to help more animals just like Corina.
Please give generously. They're depending on your compassion.

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