Yuengling's Story
Yuengling is a big, handsome guy with a playful personality and soft eyes that will melt your heart instantly. But like too many of the residents at Animal Friends, Yuengling’s story didn’t start out on a happy note.
In December, local police executed a search warrant while responding to a call of suspected animal cruelty. What they found was a German Shepherd that had been mistreated and neglected. Sweet Yuengling was also in immediate need of medical attention. In cooperation with police, Animal Friends’ Humane Investigations team brought Yuengling back to Animal Friends. Upon receiving a full physical exam, our veterinary staff found a cancerous skin tumor on his chest. Yuengling needed a lifesaving surgery.
Fortunately, Yuengling made it to Animal Friends just in time.
After his tumor was successfully removed he could start his second chance.
Since his surgery, Yuengling continues to recover at Animal Friends. As he continues to progress, his endearing personality (and love for tennis balls!) shines through … something that may not have happened if it wasn’t for our Humane Police Officers.
Animal Friends’ Humane Investigations Department serves as an invaluable resource to all of Allegheny County. While it’s hard to imagine, Animal Friends receives dozens of calls each and every day regarding abused and neglected animals.
Sadly, there are more animals, just like Yuengling, that need your help. There is no better time to give than right now!
In December, local police executed a search warrant while responding to a call of suspected animal cruelty. What they found was a German Shepherd that had been mistreated and neglected. Sweet Yuengling was also in immediate need of medical attention. In cooperation with police, Animal Friends’ Humane Investigations team brought Yuengling back to Animal Friends. Upon receiving a full physical exam, our veterinary staff found a cancerous skin tumor on his chest. Yuengling needed a lifesaving surgery.
Fortunately, Yuengling made it to Animal Friends just in time.
After his tumor was successfully removed he could start his second chance.
Since his surgery, Yuengling continues to recover at Animal Friends. As he continues to progress, his endearing personality (and love for tennis balls!) shines through … something that may not have happened if it wasn’t for our Humane Police Officers.
Animal Friends’ Humane Investigations Department serves as an invaluable resource to all of Allegheny County. While it’s hard to imagine, Animal Friends receives dozens of calls each and every day regarding abused and neglected animals.
Sadly, there are more animals, just like Yuengling, that need your help. There is no better time to give than right now!
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